

Do you know Hakata ?

Hakata is a Japanese city in Fukuoka prefecture.

Recently, Sashihara Rino (AKB48) was traded to HKT48.

HKT48 is a group in 48 project, home is Hakata city.

(HKT is abbreviation of Hakata.)

This is a part of ranking that is gleaned from a questionnaire, "What come across your head about Hakata?"

1.Hakata Mentaiko

Meitaiko is seasoned cod roe.

It's very popular in Japan, used on rice, in spaghetti, and so on.

2.Hakata Ramen

Almost all of Japanese people love Ramen.

Pork bone broth Ramen is specialty of Hakata.

Yes, Hakata's food is special.

If you have any chance to visit Japan, visit Hakata!

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